Sunday, October 11, 2009


1. something that is situated away from or classed differently from a main or related body
2. a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample
What exactly does it mean to be an outlier? By definition we see that it can be described as something out of the ordinary or is it that out of the ordinary? Why do those certain people or things stand out while others are pushed to the wayside? People everyday are going along with their lives and some would say things are predetermined while others would say that things happen by choice. How much control do we really have? Going through life we make decisions but are the decisions already made for us and then presented in a manner that makes us think that we are making them ourselves. The outliers in our society are those that are singled out for something that they can do or did that others have not been able to achieve. Micheal Jordan, the greatest basketball player to live? Micheal Jackson, the greatest songwriter and performer? Bill Gates, a computer genius? Tom Brady, the greatest "undiscovered" quarterback? These people have become outliers in our society. The book written by Malcolm Gladwell discusses how these things come about.

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